Intel 在你的处理器里下了什么毒?

记得之前在LibreBoot(开源高效的(EFI)BIOS 替代品) 的介绍中看到了这段描述,不由感慨他们研究的用心.现将其翻译成文,放在博客上.希望大家能对非自由软件的”良苦用心”有更多了解.


Intel Management Engine (ME)

英特尔管理引擎 (ME)

Introduced in June 2006 in Intel’s 965 Express Chipset Family of (Graphics and) Memory Controller Hubs, or (G)MCHs, and the ICH8 I/O Controller Family, the Intel Management Engine (ME) is a separate computing environment physically located in the (G)MCH chip.


In Q3 2009, the first generation of Intel Core i3/i5/i7 (Nehalem) CPUs and the 5 Series Chipset family of Platform Controller Hubs, or PCHs, brought a more tightly integrated ME (now at version 6.0) inside the PCH chip, which itself replaced the ICH. Thus, the ME is present on all Intel desktop, mobile (laptop), and server systems since mid 2006.

2009年的Q3,第一代英特尔酷睿 i3/i5/i7(Nehalem) 处理器和5个系列的芯片组,包含平台控制中心,或PCH,带来了一个安装在PCH芯片内部的,更集成得更顽固的ME(现在已经6.0版了).它自己就替代了ICH.因此,ME在所有2006年中以后的英特尔桌面,手机(笔记本平板)和服务器上都存在.

The ME consists of an ARC processor core (replaced with other processor cores in later generations of the ME), code and data caches, a timer, and a secure internal bus to which additional devices are connected, including a cryptography engine, internal ROM and RAM, memory controllers, and a direct memory access (DMA) engine to access the host operating system’s memory as well as to reserve a region of protected external memory to supplement the ME’s limited internal RAM.


The ME also has network access with its own MAC address through an Intel Gigabit Ethernet Controller.


Its boot program, stored on the internal ROM, loads a firmware “manifest” from the PC’s SPI flash chip.

它的引导程序被储存在内部的只读存储器上,引导程序会从PC内部的SPI闪存芯片上读取一个固件 “清单”.

This manifest is signed with a strong cryptographic key, which differs between versions of the ME firmware.


If the manifest isn’t signed by a specific Intel key, the boot ROM won’t load and execute the firmware and the ME processor core will be halted.


The ME firmware is compressed and consists of modules that are listed in the manifest along with secure cryptographic hashes of their contents.


One module is the operating system kernel, which is based on a proprietary real-time operating system (RTOS) kernel called “ThreadX”.


The developer, Express Logic, sells licenses and source code for ThreadX.

Express Logic是这个内核的开发者,它出售这个ThreadX内核的许可证和源代码.

Customers such as Intel are forbidden from disclosing or sublicensing the ThreadX source code.


Another module is the Dynamic Application Loader (DAL), which consists of a Java virtual machine and set of preinstalled Java classes for cryptography, secure storage, etc. The DAL module can load and execute additional ME modules from the PC’s HDD or SSD.


The ME firmware also includes a number of native application modules within its flash memory space, including Intel Active Management Technology (AMT), an implementation of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM), Intel Boot Guard, and audio and video DRM systems.


The Active Management Technology (AMT) application, part of the Intel “vPro” brand, is a Web server and application code that enables remote users to power on, power off, view information about, and otherwise manage the PC.


It can be used remotely even while the PC is powered off (via Wake-on-Lan).


Traffic is encrypted using SSL/TLS libraries, but recall that all of the major SSL/TLS implementations have had highly publicized vulnerabilities.


The AMT application itself has known vulnerabilities, which have been exploited to develop rootkits and keyloggers and covertly gain encrypted access to the management features of a PC.


Remember that the ME has full access to the PC’s RAM.


This means that an attacker exploiting any of these vulnerabilities may gain access to everything on the PC as it runs: all open files, all running applications, all keys pressed, and more.


  • 所有打开在内存里的文件
  • 所有在运行的应用程序
  • 你按下的所有键
  • ….还有很多….

Intel Boot Guard is an ME application introduced in Q2 2013 with ME firmware version 9.0 on 4th Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 (Haswell) CPUs.

英特尔引导守卫Q2 2013年,在英特尔酷睿i3/i5/i7(Haswell),ME版本9.0上加入的ME应用程序

It allows a PC OEM to generate an asymmetric cryptographic keypair, install the public key in the CPU, and prevent the CPU from executing boot firmware that isn’t signed with their private key.


This means that coreboot and libreboot are impossible to port to such PCs, without the OEM’s private signing key. Note that systems assembled from separately purchased mainboard and CPU parts are unaffected, since the vendor of the mainboard (on which the boot firmware is stored) can’t possibly affect the public key stored on the CPU.


ME firmware versions 4.0 and later (Intel 4 Series and later chipsets) include an ME application for audio and video DRM called “Protected Audio Video Path” (PAVP).

ME固件版本4.0及以后(英特尔4系列及以后的芯片组) 包含了一个叫做”PVAP“的,为音/视频进行数字限制管理(DRM)的ME应用.

The ME receives from the host operating system an encrypted media stream and encrypted key, decrypts the key, and sends the encrypted media decrypted key to the GPU, which then decrypts the media.


PAVP is also used by another ME application to draw an authentication PIN pad directly onto the screen.


In this usage, the PAVP application directly controls the graphics that appear on the PC’s screen in a way that the host OS cannot detect.


ME firmware version 7.0 on PCHs with 2nd Generation Intel Core i3/i5/i7 (Sandy Bridge) CPUs replaces PAVP with a similar DRM application called “Intel Insider”.

ME固件7.0,处于每一个英特尔酷睿二世代i3/i5/i7(Sandy Bridge)CPU所匹配的PCH上,已经以一个叫做”Intel Insider“的,差不多的DRM应用程序替代了PAVP

Like the AMT application, these DRM applications, which in themselves are defective by design, demonstrate the omnipotent capabilities of the ME: this hardware and its proprietary firmware can access and control everything that is in RAM and even everything that is shown on the screen.

像AMT应用程序一样,这些DRM应用程序,自己在设计上就有缺陷, 展示了它可怕的全能: 这种硬件和其私有固件可以访问和控制计算机RAM中的,甚至是显示的所有东西.

The Intel Management Engine with its proprietary firmware has complete access to and control over the PC: it can power on or shut down the PC, read all open files, examine all running applications, track all keys pressed and mouse movements, and even capture or display images on the screen.


  • 它可以随便将您的PC开/关机
  • 它可以随便读取打开在内存中的文件,包括已解密的文件
  • 它可以知道有那些应用程序正在运行,并能对这些应用做更多的事
  • 它可以跟踪您按下的键/鼠标的移动
  • 它还可以在您无法知道的情况下进行截图,或者在监视器上随意显示图像

And it has a network interface that is demonstrably insecure, which can allow an attacker on the network to inject rootkits that completely compromise the PC and can report to the attacker all activities performed on the PC.


It is a threat to freedom, security, and privacy that can’t be ignored.


Before version 6.0 (that is, on systems from 2008/2009 and earlier), the ME can be disabled by setting a couple of values in the SPI flash memory.

在ME固件6.0之前(就是说 2008/2009年或更早的系统上),ME可以简单的通过在SPI闪存里设置一对值来禁用

The ME firmware can then be removed entirely from the flash memory space.


libreboot does this on the Intel 4 Series systems that it supports, such as the Libreboot X200 and Libreboot T400. ME firmware versions 6.0 and later, which are found on all systems with an Intel Core i3/i5/i7 CPU and a PCH, include “ME Ignition” firmware that performs some hardware initialization and power management.

在英特尔4系列的系统中,由于有这种操作libreboot就这样做了,比如在Libreboot X200Libreboot T400上.可是,在ME固件6.0版本及以后,所有使用英特尔酷睿 i3/i5/i7 CPU和PCH的系统上,包含了一个叫”ME Ignition“的固件来进行一些硬件件初始化电源管理.

If the ME’s boot ROM does not find in the SPI flash memory an ME firmware manifest with a valid Intel signature, the whole PC will shut down after 30 minutes.


Due to the signature verification, developing free replacement firmware for the ME is basically impossible.


The only entity capable of replacing the ME firmware is Intel.


As previously stated, the ME firmware includes proprietary code licensed from third parties, so Intel couldn’t release the source code even if they wanted to.


And even if they developed completely new ME firmware without third-party proprietary code and released its source code, the ME’s boot ROM would reject any modified firmware that isn’t signed by Intel.


Thus, the ME firmware is both hopelessly proprietary and “tivoized”.


In summary, the Intel Management Engine and its applications are a backdoor with total access to and control over the rest of the PC.


he ME is a threat to freedom, security, and privacy, and the libreboot project strongly recommends avoiding it entirely. Since recent versions of it can’t be removed, this means avoiding all recent generations of Intel hardware.


More information about the Management Engine can be found on various Web sites, including, unhuffme, coreboot wiki, and Wikipedia.

关于ME的更多信息可以在许多网站上找到,包括 , unhaffme , coreboot wiki 和 维基 这些网站.

The book Platform Embedded Security Technology Revealed describes in great detail the ME’s hardware architecture and firmware application modules.

一本叫”Platform Embedded Security Technology Revealed“描写了ME硬件,固件,应用模组架构的一大堆细节.

If you’re stuck with the ME (non-libreboot system), you might find this interesting:


Also see (effort to disable the ME): - look at the whole thread

你也可以看看努力禁用ME -看完整篇文章

以上内容均是我手动逐句翻译的其中有一个句子是去让百度翻译了修改的,你们猜是哪句? 如果你想喷我翻译的不好的话,我完全可以说:”你初中毕业了给我翻译一个啊”,你们又不高兴,说我年少轻狂,naive,那我该怎么办?欢迎指正,不过请保持正常交流,不要成天搞事情,要不然出门右转,让你们瞎下眼看看,翻译得...,你们识得不识得啊?#(滑稽)
